Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Bulan Ramadhan adalah bulan yang sangat ditunggu oleh seluruh umat Islam. Bulan yang suci dan penuh berkah ini berisi amalan-amalan yang wajib dilakukan oleh umat Islam iaitu puasa ramadhan. Ramadhan adalah momentum terbaik untuk pendidikan keluarga, khususnya pendidikan anak-anak.
Anak-anak, bila nak masuk bulan puasa memang excited. Tidak kiralah anak-anak yang berpuasa setengah hari atau berpuasa penuh, mereka tentu akan berasa kurang aktif di bulan Ramadhan pada siang harinya. Sebab itulah kita kena ada strategi untuk buat persiapan Ramadhan kali ini.
Dalam bulan puasa, anak-anak akan kurang bermain di luar kerana masing-masing berpuasa. Nak bermain dengan permainan pun malas kerana letih puasa. Tapi itu tidak bermakna mereka akn tidur dan menghadapt gajet dan televisyen 24 jam.
Sempena bulan Ramadhan tahun ini, Little Caliphs International telah melancarkan satu folio aktiviti untuk kanak-kanak anda. My Ramadhan Lapbook ialah sebuah kit yang direka khas untuk aktiviti anak-anak berumur 4 hingga 8 tahun.
Pek Ramadhan Lapbook ini menggunakan medium Bahasa Inngeris dan mengandungi pelbagai info-info ringkas yang menarik dibawa secara santai.
Antara aktiviti arts and craft yang terdapat dalam My Ramdahan Lapbook;
Fasting Cycle Wheel
Mini folio ‘What I Like About Ramadhan’
5 Pillars of Islam
Benefits of Ramadhan
Virtues of Ramadhan
Good Deeds Tree – Stickers
Ramadhan Award Chart
Sadaqah envelop dapat menggalakkan anak-anak menabung dan mengagihkan sumbangan kepada orang-orang yang memerlukan, sepanjang bulan Ramadhan. Semoga semangat bersedekah akan berterusan dalam jiwa anak-anak.
Ibu bapa patut ambil kesempatan pada bulan Ramadhan ini untuk meluangkan waktu bersama anak-anak. Jom bersedia memacu Ramadhan anak-anak dengan aktiviti berfaedah dan menarik!
Buat mereka kenal, cinta dan hargai bulan mulia penuh rahmah dan barakah, ganjaran pahala dan keampunan..!
Jika ibu bapa berminat untuk dapat kit My Ramadhan Lapbook, sila hubungi 0133546500 atau layari lama web Children Islamic Collection di
How’s Ramadhan with you and your child? Are you finding it difficult to train your child in Ramadhan? A few tips I can share with you are as follows:
Inshaa Allah may these few tips can help us all to train our children towards becoming a good khalifah of Allah.
Assalamualaikum wbt dear parents,
Ramadhan is nearing and as parents, we would love to see our children practicing the deed with us.
And so, here is a fun way to encourage your child using the Little Caliphs Ramadhan Chart and Stickers!
One day of fasting earns your child one sticker on the calendar chart.
To encourage the child even more, even a half day of fasting effort deserves a sticker.
The sticker comes in many type of words such as Subhanallah, Masyallah, Alhamdulillah etc therefore you can pick and choose which is most suitable for the day’s achievement.
This wonderful chart is only priced at RM6 per chart. If you’d like to purchase one, please visit a Little Caliphs Kindergarten near you. Click on the link to find out our nearest branches.
Have a blessed Ramadhan.
Jazakumullah khair, wassalam.
Assalamu’alaikum dear parents,
A healthy family raises a happy, healthy child. Therefore, it is utmost important especially during Ramadhan to take care of our health and watch what we consume. Doctor Adeeb Rizvi Head of “S.I.U.T” Civil Hospital Karachi, who is a leading kidney specialist has appealed to everyone not to drink cold drinks such as Pepsi, Coca Cola, 7UP, Dew etc at Iftar (fast-breaking) time.
A long day of fasting causes dehydration of the kidneys. Having cold & fizzy drinks suddenly causes the kidneys to fail. So don’t drink any cold drinks specially at Iftar. Use fresh water and fresh juices instead. Children consume what is easily available and given to them so be good examples in making better choices during our daily meals. Insyallah instilling this healthy habit from young helps them to be healthy adults in the future.
I hope you and your family will benefit from this. Please enlighten your other family members, friends and loved ones as Sadqa-e-Jariya (charity with continuous reward).
Jazakumullah khair, wassalam.
Assalamualaikum dear parents,
Today, I would like to share with you some ways to train and encourage children to fast in the month of ramadhan.
1.Before the month of Ramadhan
Prepare and mind set your children for the upcoming fasting month of Ramadhan. Always talk to them that a great month is approaching and what Muslims must do during this month. Encourage discussions, questions and answers about the do’s and don’ts while fasting and always tell them the benefits of Ramadhan as stated in the Quran and hadith. When you have succeeded in getting their interest ask them “So, who will fast in this month of Ramadhan?” Parents and children should feel excited in answering this question. Tell them also some funny stories on how you started training for Ramadhan or how the older siblings started theirs. This will encourage the younger ones to follow their siblings’ footsteps.
During iftar.
Prepare your children’s favourite meal and bring them to shops to but their favourite dishes. This is to make them happy and to encourage them. Do remind them though not to overspend, for Allah does not like it if food goes to waste. During iftar, eat together and congratulate each other for the days worth.
During sahur
Before going to bed, remind each other to wake each other up, set the alarm and make dua so that we are able to wake up for sahur. Wake them up gently for sahur and keep an eye on the children, for they are more sleepy than hungry at this time.
While fasting
Be aware not to let the younger siblings not to eat or drink in front of their older siblings who are fasting. And if your young children have started to whine and groan and looking very tired, give them your attention, entertain them, divert their attention to some games or light indoor recreation or bring them outside for a walk. The small children who succeeded to fast the whole day should be hugged, kissed, praised and rewarded and tell them the good news of Allah’s rewards that awaits them.
It is suggested that we buy presents for those children who completes their training in the month of Ramadhan. Explain to them what the presents a re for and if they are happy to receive these presents in this world, Allah (swt) will give them anything they want in the hereafter. Also discuss with them how they feel and do they understand the values that parents are trying to instill in them during this training.
In conclusion from what has been mentioned above is that responsibility of faith education is important and serious as it is the source of all virtues. It is the main basis for entering a child into the domain of faith and Islam.
So parents should always refrain from seizing any chance of providing their children with training and guidance that consolidate belief and straightens faith.
Lastly teach your children as the Prophet (pbuh) said to Ibn Abbas:
“O young man, I shall teach you some words….”
“……Learn also that victory comes through endurance and relief comes with distress and that with hardship comes affluence.”
Until then, Wabillahitaufiq walhidayah.