What have our parents come out with after attending our Fast Reading Technique Seminar?
As salam, hye Little Caliph Team, big applause to your team for the successful seminar. Its such a very good program for parents like me. What i have notice,the learning system is straight forward and the kids not confuse on that. Besides its help me to teach my son in a easy way. Thank you so much and congratulations team – Mama Fateh Naim KG 5 years
1- TC Fari is a good speaker and an inspirer.
2- She inspiring both of us as parents.
3- Together we raise our kids to be Quran generation.
4- Parents should not force their kids to do activity that they are not interested.
5- Reading technique at home should tally with LC so that kids not confuse.
?? – Mama Dhia Nur Keisha KG1 5 years
Sangat membantu. Teknik yang diajar memudahkan dan menyeronokkan anak2 untuk belajar. Ibu bapa perlu teknik ini untuk sama2 didik ank2 . Tq so much for all teacher. – Mama Aleesya Fareena KG1 5 years