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Datuk Haji Roslan Bin Nordin
Chief Executive Officer, Little Caliphs International Sdn Bhd
- A keen learner of Islam
- An information technology and management professional, a business coach and consultant, an educationist, and a seasoned entrepreneur.
- M. Sc. in Computer Sc., CMU, MI, USA (1988)
- B. Sc. in Computer Sc., WMU, MI, USA (1986)
- King George V Secondary School, Seremban (1977-1982).
- Former positions: President of an IT firm, General Manager IT & Billing at Telekom Malaysia International BD, Dean of Information Technology Faculty at Universiti Industri Selangor, Corporate Strategy Manager at NISSAN Saudi Arabia, Lecturer at University Teknologi MARA.
- Public trainer and consultant on Kinderpreneurship, Project Management, Balanced Scorecard, and Inner Skills of Wealth Creation.
- Developed Little Caliphs Kinderpreneurship Program.
- Enterpreneurship Mentor under PUNB and MARA.
- Serving Little Caliphs on part-time basis since 2003, and on full-time basis since 2009.
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Datin Dr. Hjh Sabariah Faridah Binti Haji Jamaluddin.
Chief Academic Officer, Little Caliphs International Sdn Bhd
- A concerned muslimah, a mother of five children, and a high spirited educationist.
- PHD. in Early Childhood Care and ED (ECCE) From UNITAR (2021)
- Master in Education (Early Childhood) UNITAR (2016)
- B. Sc. Chemistry, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada (1986).
- Tungku Kurshiah College, Seremban (1977-1981).
- Past experiences:
- A lecturer of UiTM & American Degree Preparation Program.
- Head of Pre-Science Program, Kolej Inpens (owned by Selangor State Government).
- Lecturer of Pre-School Teaching Certification Program under Ministry of Education, run by Kolej Pendidikan Perdana, Shah Alam
- English teacher at SRI KL International School, Subang Jaya.
- Founder and Executive Director of Integrated Islamic School Shah Alam (IISSA).
- Founded first kindergarten in 1986, and since then has trained and consulted many kindergartens in Malaysia, Bangladesh, and Indonesia.
- Trained and mastered in various learning and teaching methodologies.
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